Tabela de erros ao realizar uma transferência
Criamos a tabelas abaixo com objetivo de apresentar os erros que nossa api de transferência pode apresentar.
Código do erro | Mensagem de erro apresentada |
PBE105 | No Limit Available. |
PBE150 | General reject operation. |
PBE300 | Duplicated EndToEndId. |
PBE304 | Dict bind was not found with this key: {key}. |
PBE308 | Registered account does not allow PIX payment transactions. |
PBE309 | It is not possible update a payment with a status different of INITIATED. Current status is: {CurrentStatus} |
PBE310 | Invalid key format. The accepted key formats, are from: CPF, CNPJ, EMAIL, EVP and PHONE |
PBE316 | Inner PSP transactions calls are not allowed. |
PBE317 | Entry queried is in custody of participant making the query. |
PBE323 | It is not possible revert a payment when status not is CONFIRMED or PARTIALLY_REVERTED. |
PBE324 | Settlement aborted due to timeout. |
PBE325 | Transaction stopped due to error at the Creditor Agent. |
PBE326 | Creditor account number invalid or missing. |
PBE327 | Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it. |
PBE328 | Creditor account number closed |
PBE329 | Creditor account type missing or invalid |
PBE330 | Transaction type not supported/authorized on this account. |
PBE332 | Specified message amount is equal to zero |
PBE333 | Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient. |
PBE334 | Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected |
PBE335 | Number of transactions is invalid or missing. Generic usage if cannot specify between group and payment information levels |
PBE336 | Identification of end customer is not consistent with associated account number. (formerly CreditorConsistency). |
PBE337 | Value in Creditor Identifier is incorrect |
PBE338 | Content is incorrect |
PBE339 | The order was rejected by the bank side (for reasons concerning content) |
PBE340 | Signer is not allowed to sign this operation type. |
PBE341 | Invalid creation date and time in Group Header (eg, historic date) |
PBE342 | Associated message, payment information block or transaction was received after agreed processing cut-off date, i.e., date in the past. |
PBE343 | Settlement of the transaction has failed |
PBE344 | End to End Id missing or invalid |
PBE345 | Debtor ClearingSystemMember identifier is invalid or missing |
PBE346 | Creditor ClearingSystemMember identifier is invalid or missing |
PBE399 | Duplicated EndToEndId. |
PBE414 | Specific transaction/message amount is greater than allowed maximum |
PBE415 | Creditor or Ultimate Creditor identification code missing or invalid |
PBE416 | Regulatory Reason |
PBE417 | Due to specific service offered by the Creditor Agent. |
PBE419 | The value of property "Urgency" must be NORMAL when "PaymentType" is SCHEDULED. |
PBE423 | The AdditionalInformation field should be blank. |
PBE424 | Please add text to AdditionalInformation. |
PBE425 | The AdditionalInformation field must be up to 105 characters. |
PBE426 | Reversal Pix Payment period has expired. |
PBE427 | Reversal amount is above the original transaction amount. |
PBE428 | VlcpAmount and "VldnAmount" properties are required when "TransactionalType" is CHANGE. |
PBE429 | VldnAmount property is required when "TransactionType" is WITHDRAWAL. |
PBE430 | It is not possible send a value in "VlcpAmount" when "TransactionType" is WITHDRAWAL. |
PBE431 | VldnAmount property must have the same value than "Amount" property when "TransactionType" is WITHDRAWAL. |
PBE432 | It is not possible send "TransactionIdentification" property when "TransactionType" is WITHDRAWAL. |
PBE433 | It is not possible send a value in "VlcpAmount" or "VldnAmount" when "TransactionType" is TRANSFER. |
PBE434 | VlcpAmount property must have the same value than "Amount" property when "TransactionType" is CHANGE. |
PBE7000 | Creditor name invalid or missing. |
PBE7001 | Creditor person type invalid or missing. |
PBE7002 | Creditor titularity invalid or missing. |
PBE7003 | Account invalid or missing. |
PBE7004 | Account ISPB invalid or missing. |
PBE7005 | Account status invalid. |
PBE7006 | Creditor status invalid. |
PBE7007 | Block by AML API. |
PBE7008 | TaxIdPaymentInitiator property is required when "InitiationType" is PAYMENT_INITIATOR. |
PBE7009 | TransactionIdentification value must be an identifier from a STATIC_QRCODE when "InitiationType" is PAYMENT_INITIATOR. |
PBE7010 | It is not possible send a value in "CreditParty.Key" when "InitiationType" is MANUAL. |
PBE7011 | CreditParty.Key property is required when "InitiationType" is DICT, STATIC_QRCODE or DYNAMIC_QRCODE. |
PBE7012 | Limit has been rejected. |
PBE7013 | CNPJ of the payment initiator is not registered in the Pix arrangement. |
PBE7014 | It is not possible send "TransactionIdentification" property when "InitiationType" is MANUAL or DICT. |
PBE7015 | TransactionIdentification property is required when "InitiationType" is DYNAMIC_QRCODE. |
PBE7016 | It is not possible send "TaxIdPaymentInitiator property when the EMV is from a DYNAMIC_QRCODE. |
PBE7017 | TransactionIdentification property must be up to 25 characteres when is present and "InitiationType" is STATIC_QRCODE. |
0 | Ocorreu um erro durante a transferência. Por favor, tente novamente. |
1 | A conta destino não existe mais. Por favor, entre em contato com o titular. |
2 | A agência ou conta do destino estão incorretas. Por favor, confira os dados e tente novamente. |
3 | O CPF/CNPJ do destino está incorreto. Por favor, confira os dados e tente novamente. |
4 | Mensagem Inválida para o Tipo de Transação ou Finalidade. |
5 | Ocorreu um problema devido ao grande volume de transações. Tente novamente. |
6 | A conta destino não está apta a receber o valor enviado. Por favor, entre em contato com o titular. |
7 | Não conformidade no pagamento. |
8 | Os dados informados estão incorretos. Por favor, confira e tente novamente. |
9 | CPF/CNPJ inapto junto à Receita Federal do Brasil. |
f0 | Ocorreu um erro durante a transferência. Por favor, tente novamente. |
f1 | Saldo insuficiente. |
10 | Por solicitação de cliente da instituição participante recebedora. |
99 | Erro transferencia. Verificar mensagem específica |
f2 | A operação falhou por uma restrição em uma das contas. |
11 | Motivo da devolução desconhecida. Tente novamente (11) |
12 | Por solicitação de cliente da instituição participante recebedora. |
Updated over 1 year ago